Monday, October 26, 2009


Lately a lot of purple has been coming up. In my paintings, in my clothes, everywhere. I've just been really attached to purple. I've been making things purple and seeing purple anywhere.

Thanks to the Wiki, I found that the first purple pigments, called Tyrian purple, came from mollusks, which are pretty spirally. More spirals have been happening lately too, partially in drawings.

According to Wiccan beliefs:
Dark Purple= 'used for calling up the power of ancient ones'
Lavender= 'to invoke righteous spirit within yourself; favors for people'

And this random web site:
Thailand : Mourning
European : Royalty
Catholicism : Mourning, death, crucifixion
Feng Shui : Yin, spiritual awareness, physical and mental healing

Purple : influence, third eye, psychic ability, spiritual power, self assurance, hidden knowledge, dignity, high aspirations, royalty, spirituality, nobility, ceremony, mystery, transformation, wisdom, enlightenment, sophistication, cruelty, arrogance, intuition, dreams, unconscious, invisible, telepathy, empathy, imagination, deja vu, universal spirit, spiritual connection, deeper truth, nobility, wealth, extravagance, dignity, independence, magic, creativity, energy, self-confidence, ego, ambition, fame, luxury, big profits, richness, sensuality, elegance, contemplation, meditation, majesty, lesbianism, Wicca, New Age spirituality, paganism, conceit, arrogance, nausea

Almost 75 percent of pre-adolescent children prefer purple to all other colors, making bright purple effective for promotion of children's products. Light purple is useful for feminine designs. Excessive exposure to purple may cause people to become sullen, withdrawn and ill-at-ease with their surroundings. Purple is a polarising colour - people either love it or hate it.

Lavender : Yang, sexual indecision, malleability, romance, nostalgia, feminity
Dark purple : gloom, sadness, frustration, royalty, richness
Mauve : Yang, world consciousness
Violet : Meditation, creativity, concentration, quietness, creative force, beauty, inspiration, artistry, music, chivalrous love, excellence, ethereal, sensuality, responsibility, sacrifice
Blue purple : mystical
Red purple : sensual, quirky

In conclusion, purple.

1 comment:

Ro said...

Exactly! I love color studies (hence the blog title...).

I've been told by multiple people that I have a purple aura. As cause and effect, I seem to recognize it everywhere I go.

You should research Indigo children. And Kundalini Chakras.

And South Philadelphia.