3 final projects, one paper, 2 final portfolios, one surprise crit, one exam, one exam to go, 17 hours of work in 2 days, one roommate less, one Ted Leo show in Philly, and zero transmission fluid in my car later...I have reached the end of the semester....wooo!!!
Now to elaborate...
All and all, this has been a fulfilling, exhausting, and successful 3 months and, oh god, am I happy to be able to chill out.
I feel I've gained a lot from my classes, well, from painting and photo. I got a lot of good work out of it, some new ideas, and some chances to finally follow through with old ideas. i'm going to post work over the next few days, considering i still have to organize all my digital files and such. i can talk more about this when i post images.
Exams don't really count as real life.
working at dp dough this week has be somewhat hellish considering that we are open 24/7 during this finals week. therefore, "close" is a relative term. as much as i like my job, i am pretty excited to more smell like dough for the next two months.
Ben and I ventured to Philly to see Ted Leo perform a solo show last night. The show was amazing, as Ted Leo is a brillant musical artist (and knows Ben's name!). However, getting there more not nearly as amazing. If anyone should ever have to make a left onto Columbus Ave. after coming off of exit 20, NOTE: there is a large median in the road that consisted of trolley track and pointy rocks that could punchure your transmission plate, as i did. Lucky, the car didn't start fucking up until we were 2 blocks from the ventue. We got towed, Ben's dad came to get us, attended the concert with us (which brings him up at least a gizillion cool points in life) and then drove us home to Delaware. Hopefully, I'll have a car again tomorrow.
There have been many, many adventures and not nearly enough to fully recall here.
I'll be posting work soon and hopefully just posting more in general.
Until very soon, peace.