Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Mandelbrot Set

In preparation for a painting assignment about numbers, i have been reading about fractals, most notably the Mandelbrot Set, as they have held some interests to me lately.
The most i've gotten from my research so far is that fractals are geometric, self-similar shapes. Their have an infinity complex boundary that repeats upon itself. The Mandelbrot Set seems most interesting, partially because of it intricacy and partially because its one of the more popular examples.

However, no matter what, i can't get past the overwhelming amount of math involved in these things. So i have to go about thinking about this another way.
i'm thinking of creating a fractal, or at least a fractal-like for, on partical board using the patterns in the board as the basis for, i guess, "discovering" pattern.
Then, of course, there are fractals from the Lindenmayer systems that allow for more basic, geometric forms. Menger sponge and Hilbert curver, for instance.

And then all this Jackson Pollack and Chaos theory stuff is pretty interesting, although i'm not sure how i feel about it.
To say that everything is derived from chaos does not seem possible, as so many things in nature follow an ordered pattern based in mathematics and logic. and that is all just appears to be chaos until a system can become more clearly defined.

....i also might be thinking to much and trying to define terms too much. not really sure. also just wanted to try working some ideas out in here and see how that goes. i'm kind of alright with it.

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