Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Babbling Nonsense 315

A sampling of my ART315 notes from this evening. They accurately reflect the structure of the course in all its ridiculousity.

25 Feb 2009

estaban's comment on kant after ducamp; "laced with opinion"
estaban calls out designs as being kitch
dani speaks
he really doesn't speak english like a normal person

cyclic arguments about what you like is what you like....what you take you alter it

jans comment
seans comment

"art" side of the room...fine artist
why is that funny
so they don't make art?
what does it say on this sheet fine arts visual communications. thats the end of that
james and brandon from other side of room: we're fine arts


ART---someone didnt have that concept....or Art or art
what would ARt be?

pretty pictures----avant garde "culture terrorist slash punk rockers"
i'm going to look into this square and you can't tell me what to look like

pastige="parody with purpose or humor"

right now

CAPITAL in conversation since mid 19th c
we haven't created anything new lately
what doesnt exist anymore?....
post post modernism
capital desolves, new forms arise
decter decter decter

no internets in their lexicon!

warhol reading-written while warhol was alive
"why was it obvious?"
warhol has more painting of jesus christ (that he did himself) than the vatican
brand become overwhelming
.....talking nonsense excitedly......
bathroom break.

talking about fashion, color

animal collective--new music that goes back to sewing and stitching

"why are you laughing?"
"she said she enjoys life"

meem, people find it funny..."i don't find it funny at all"-games

warhol not popular b/c of mini warhols

(last lecture: "greenberg is a duche")

technology references...lots of people on the planet
two girls 1 cup ?????

back to meem....james proctor "i was hoping you wouldn't make me define it"

"stealing credit card numbers"?


'anyone who liked modest mouse before 2001 is really pissed off'

omg...fucking damin herst
he thinks its one of the best pieces of art in the past 50 years
ahhhhh! goddamn it.
for the love of god; skull- mortality, platium- money, greed
damien hirst:art
the skull was brilliant because of michael phelps (smoking weed, fucking swimmers lungs)
he keeps drawing a skull


sometimes gives of a gay vibe via tone of voice

multi-national capitalism

"we talked dirty"....ew

i drank ovaltene and then burped up last nights cheeseburger i am wearing the remnants on a lanyard.

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