Friday, April 10, 2009

Vietnam: Day 27

Day 27 (Friday, Jan 30, 09): Dalat/Ho Chi Minh City (B, GP)
16.50-17.40 flight (VN467) to Ho Chi Minh City. When we arrive, a private car will be waiting to take us to the hotel in the city center.
Art 487: Vietnam Location Photograph, 3 credits;
Art 382: Alternative Photographic Processes, 3 credits.

30 Jan 2009 12:53pm
So I made it to HCM in one piece. I woke up moments before breakfast opened, threw some food town my throat and got in the car with the driver and guide who did not speak any English. After being in the car for about 5 minutes, the driver pulled off the side of the road and the guide said good bye and hopped out. Okay...
In 45 minutes I was at the smallest airport I've ever seen. 2 stories, 1 room, one landing strip, one flight at a time, it seemed. But 2 gates...fucking 'Nam. The plane was so small. 17 rows of seats, 2 seats on either side of the aisle. You could feel every dip to each side and every movement the plane made during takeoff and landing. That was fun. Once we took off and were at cruising altitude, I put on my ipod, listened to 3 songs and then we began to prepare for landing. the flight took about 30 minutes, it was nothing.
The airport in HCM is pretty big, which makes sense since its the airport we fly out of in a few days. Got my bags, found the driver who also did not speak any English, and drove 20 mintues to the hotel, which seems to be at the city center.
The hotel is pretty nice, although still holds many of the strange, illogical aspects that the whole country holds. I don't think that toliet works properly. There is no internet in the room , so I had to go down to the lobby to skype Ben. We skyped for about an hour. It was so nice to talk to him without having anyone else from the group around. We talked about my morning travels, the fight he had with his mom that night...hold tight, I just got my soup. yum! Okay, it's really hot.
I just...updated him about the P and S situation and we talked about our future. It was a good conversation to have; jobs, grad school options, etc. We're gonna make it work; I'm happy....I feel like I can't adequately put into words how much I love him. He's just everything
After we talked he went to poop and probably sleep. I talked to Joey on facebook for a bit. He was bored at work and I told him some of the crazy stories. I told him I'll tell him more when I got home. Talked to Ange on facebook too. She was happy to hear I made it here alive. Then I showered and went to find lunch. I'm at a pretty cute place, not too far from the hotel. Chicken noddle sound and a big Tiger beer.
HCM city is kind of like a less congested version of Hanoi and a bit of NYC and i'm not sure, maybe just every other city I've ever been too. And so many tourists! So many white people. Thre's this Irish or Scottish or something crew sitting outside and I can't understand a damn thing they are saying. It's going to be so strange to go home and hear English everywhere and know exactly what people are saying.
Man, I think I'm getting tired. It's probably because I just filled up on food and beer, but a nap still wouldn't hurt. I still would like to walk around the city before everyone gets back. Okay, it's 1:30pm, I have plenty of time.
Well, since my last writings, I took a nap, talked to P on the phone, had the hotel unclog the toliet in the room and walked to the park across the street to read.
I feel all my talking with P can only be taken with a grain of salt. She more or less woke me up from my nap and mentioned she got the impression we were all really tired and asked why. Travelling, getting to bed late and being up all night the night before....So of course, we started talking about that. And I told her exactly how it was.....Hopefuly it will all blow over and be fine and ----- will only get in the amount of trouble she deserves, if none at all.
Apparently, P has only printed out half of the digital negative..what the fuck, what the fuck. So she askd me to TA and help everyone else work the fucked up printers. Fine, whatever.
I asked her about S. She said was a complication. I'm not sure, it didn't totally make sense but that's no surprise either. But she said S is doing well enough to be really pissed off that she couldn't finish out the trip. Also, she's not in any pain, her parents are not flying out and she didn't mention when she'd be about to come home. Hopefully we can get more out of her when she gets here; I just got tired of asking her questions that everyone else is going to ask in 3 hours from now and no get real answers.
P lands at 8pm and should be here between 8:30-9pm. The rest of the group should be here around 6pm. So I have at least another hours of killing time before they get here.
I would love to explore this city, but I'm a bit worried about going off too far on my own. It's just always a comfort to have at least one familiar face with you in a completely forgein city. I'm really not too worried about wasting time. We still have 2 more free days around here and I'm honestly so tired of shooting. I might as well store up my energy in the department for when I'll have P breathing down my neck.

Looking back....
That woman needs to be commited.

random photo:

good photo:

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