Saturday, April 11, 2009

Vietnam: Day 28

Day 28 (Saturday, Jan, 31, 09): Ho Chi Minh City/Vinh Long (B, L, D, G)
After escaping from Ho Chi Minh City's urban sprawl, we travel to Vinh Long where a traditional family run-brick kiln and traditional cottage industries are fascinating visits. A workshop making the huge coffins unique to the Mekong is particularly interesting. We'll also call in at a local house to listne to the traditional music of Delta performed by local people. Later, a rowing boad will lead up through the myriad of Mekong's tiny channels to a family house in a canal-side orchard where we'll spend the night.

31 Jan 2009 9:37am on our way out of Hoi Chi Minh City
So everyone made it safely and soundly to the hotel last night at 6:30pm. I gave them the update P gave me over the phone and then we all split up and went to dinner.
At the time, P was supposed to be landing (8pm), she called Rachel to inform her that she wouldn't be able to make it back until Monday because she couldnt't get a visa back into the country! So Griffin and I both ordered out 2nd big Tiger of the night and we all celebrated and tried to plan out how we'd do the alternative process work in her absense. Study abroad as gave us that extenstion to get our shit together and all we had to give P is our best images so we can have individual crits when we get back. Although we haven't heard anything from study abroad about this and considering P's behavior on this trip, I cannot help but question the legitamcy of....well, anything she says.
We also recevied a glowing email from the head of study aboard thanking us for handling everything that has happened so well and thanking Rachel and Evan. Although they only thanked Rachel for running the program because P is mad at Evan for not answering his phone....
We are currently on our way to to the Mekong Delta for another homestay. We get back to the city tomorrow afternoon. Then 2 more days and home.
5:50 Homestay on Mekong River
So far pretty good day adn will hopefully be an equally decent night. Not going to lie, I'm still pretty tired and ready to be home but I'm still enjoying the experience. We got on a boat, a tour boat, on the river. This river is probably more poulated than the Cheasepeak, the Hudson and all of New Jersey... we did stuff. Fuck, I don't even remember at this point. On yea, we went to a brick factory. That was pretty cool. Big kilns. Lots of bricks. And track pots and such that are probably imported to Americans. Then a tasty lunch were we made our spring roll, like Bali Well. The fish we ate was still whole and looking at me. But was still tasty. Then we went to some garden where they grow a lot of fruit and we ate they tasty fruit and the people sang songs to us. That was really cool.
Now we are at the homestay. We shot a bit and looked a crocidles, which was really cool. They look like dinosaurs and didn't move too much. But we did see 2 croc fights. Awesome.
Nataile and Ayelet are writing bad songs. And now we are making spring rolls. And no dog.
And by making spring rolls, I mean stealing Natalie's hammock.

random photo:
good photos:

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